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SedonaPyDeck offers a number of APIs which aid in quick and interactive visualization of a geospatial data in a Jupyter notebook/lab environment.

Inorder to start using SedonaPyDeck, simply import Sedona using:

from sedona.spark import *

Alternatively it can also be imported using:

from sedona.maps.SedonaPyDeck import SedonaPyDeck


For more information on the optional parameters please visit PyDeck docs.

SedonaPyDeck assumes the map provider to be Mapbox when user selects 'salellite' option for map_style.

Following are details on all the APIs exposed via SedonaPyDeck:

Geometry Map

def create_geometry_map(df, fill_color="[85, 183, 177, 255]", line_color="[85, 183, 177, 255]",
                   elevation_col=0, initial_view_state=None,
                   map_style=None, map_provider=None, api_keys=None, stroked=True):

The parameter fill_color can be given a list of RGB/RGBA values, or a string that contains RGB/RGBA values based on a column, and is used to color polygons or point geometries in the map

The parameter line_color can be given a list of RGB/RGBA values, or a string that contains RGB/RGBA values based on a column, and is used to color the line geometries in the map.

The parameter elevation_col can be given a static elevation or elevation based on column values like fill_color, this only works for the polygon geometries in the map.

The parameter stroked determines whether to draw an outline around polygons and points, accepts a boolean value. For more information, please refer to this documentation of

Optionally, parameters initial_view_state, map_style, map_provider, api_keys can be passed to configure the map as per user's liking. More details on the parameters and their default values can be found on the PyDeck website as well by here

Choropleth Map

def create_choropleth_map(df, fill_color=None, plot_col=None, initial_view_state=None, map_style=None,
                          map_provider=None, api_keys=None, elevation_col=0, stroked=True)

The parameter fill_color can be given a list of RGB/RGBA values, or a string that contains RGB/RGBA values based on a column.

The parameter stroked determines whether to draw an outline around polygons and points, accepts a boolean value. For more information please refer to this documentation of

For example, all these are valid values of fill_color:

fill_color=[255, 12, 250]
fill_color=[0, 12, 250, 255]
fill_color='[0, 12, 240, AirportCount * 10]' ## AirportCount is a column in the passed df

Instead of giving a fill_color parameter, a 'plot_col' can be passed which specifies the column to decide the choropleth. SedonaPyDeck then creates a default color scheme based on the values of the column passed.

The parameter elevation_col can be given a numeric or a string value (containing the column with/without operations on it) to set a 3D elevation to the plotted polygons if any.

Optionally, parameters initial_view_state, map_style, map_provider, api_keys can be passed to configure the map as per user's liking. More details on the parameters and their default values can be found on the PyDeck website.


def create_scatterplot_map(df, fill_color="[255, 140, 0]", radius_col=1, radius_min_pixels = 1, radius_max_pixels = 10, radius_scale=1, initial_view_state=None,
                           map_style=None, map_provider=None, api_keys=None)

The parameter fill_color can be given a list of RGB/RGBA values, or a string that contains RGB/RGBA values based on a column.

The parameter radius_col can be given a numeric value or a string value consisting of any operations on the column, in order to specify the radius of the plotted point.

The parameter radius_min_pixels can be given a numeric value that would set the minimum radius in pixels. This can be used to prevent the plotted circle from getting too small when zoomed out.

The parameter radius_max_pixels can be given a numeric value that would set the maximum radius in pixels. This can be used to prevent the circle from getting too big when zoomed in.

The parameter radius_scale can be given a numeric value that sets a global radius multiplier for all points.

Optionally, parameters initial_view_state, map_style, map_provider, api_keys can be passed to configure the map as per user's liking. More details on the parameters and their default values can be found on the PyDeck website as well by here


def create_heatmap(df, color_range=None, weight=1, aggregation="SUM", initial_view_state=None, map_style=None,
                map_provider=None, api_keys=None)

The parameter color_range can be optionally given a list of RGB values, SedonaPyDeck by default uses 6-class YlOrRd as color_range. More examples can be found on colorbrewer

The parameter weight can be given a numeric value or a string with column and operations on it to determine weight of each point while plotting a heatmap. By default, SedonaPyDeck assigns a weight of 1 to each point

The parameter aggregation can be used to define aggregation strategy to use when aggregating heatmap to a lower resolution (zooming out). One of "MEAN" or "SUM" can be provided. By default, SedonaPyDeck uses "MEAN" as the aggregation strategy.

Optionally, parameters initial_view_state, map_style, map_provider, api_keys can be passed to configure the map as per user's liking. More details on the parameters and their default values can be found on the PyDeck website as well by here

Last update: September 10, 2024 19:50:31