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Aggregate functions


Introduction: Return the entire envelope boundary of all geometries in A

Format: ST_Envelope_Aggr (A: geometryColumn)

SQL example:

SELECT ST_Envelope_Aggr(ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT(1.1 101.1,2.1 102.1,3.1 103.1,4.1 104.1,5.1 105.1,6.1 106.1,7.1 107.1,8.1 108.1,9.1 109.1,10.1 110.1)'))


POLYGON ((1.1 101.1, 1.1 120.1, 20.1 120.1, 20.1 101.1, 1.1 101.1))


Introduction: Return the polygon intersection of all polygons in A

Format: ST_Intersection_Aggr (A: geometryColumn)

SQL example:

SELECT ST_Intersection_Aggr(ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT(1.1 101.1,2.1 102.1,3.1 103.1,4.1 104.1,5.1 105.1,6.1 106.1,7.1 107.1,8.1 108.1,9.1 109.1,10.1 110.1)'))


MULTIPOINT ((1.1 101.1), (2.1 102.1), (3.1 103.1), (4.1 104.1), (5.1 105.1), (6.1 106.1), (7.1 107.1), (8.1 108.1), (9.1 109.1), (10.1 110.1))


Introduction: Return the polygon union of all polygons in A

Format: ST_Union_Aggr (A: geometryColumn)

SQL example:

SELECT ST_Union_Aggr(ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT(1.1 101.1,2.1 102.1,3.1 103.1,4.1 104.1,5.1 105.1,6.1 106.1,7.1 107.1,8.1 108.1,9.1 109.1,10.1 110.1)'))


MULTIPOINT ((1.1 101.1), (2.1 102.1), (3.1 103.1), (4.1 104.1), (5.1 105.1), (6.1 106.1), (7.1 107.1), (8.1 108.1), (9.1 109.1), (10.1 110.1))


Introduction: Return the statistics of geometries

Format: ST_Analyze_Aggr (A: geometryColumn)

SQL example:

SELECT ST_Analyze_Aggr(ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT(1.1 101.1,2.1 102.1,3.1 103.1,4.1 104.1,5.1 105.1,6.1 106.1,7.1 107.1,8.1 108.1,9.1 109.1,10.1 110.1)'))


{1, 1.1, 101.1, 10.1, 110.1, 680, 10.0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 9.0, 9.0, 81.0}

The resulting struct can be expanded using subquery:

SELECT stat.* FROM (
  SELECT ST_Analyze_Aggr(ST_GeomFromText('MULTIPOINT(1.1 101.1,2.1 102.1,3.1 103.1,4.1 104.1,5.1 105.1,6.1 106.1,7.1 107.1,8.1 108.1,9.1 109.1,10.1 110.1)')) stat
) t


|count|minx|miny |maxx|maxy |mean_size_in_bytes|mean_points_per_geometry|puntal_count|lineal_count|polygonal_count|geometrycollection_count|mean_envelope_width|mean_envelope_height|mean_envelope_area|
|1    |1.1 |101.1|10.1|110.1|680               |10.0                    |1           |0           |0              |0                       |9.0                |9.0                 |81.0              |

Last update: May 15, 2024 00:19:30