This document provides a comprehensive overview of the Runs REST API for Wherobots.
For a detailed tutorial about using the WherobotsRunOperator
constructor, see WherobotsRunOperator.
Before you start¶
Before using the Runs REST API, ensure that you have the following required resources:
- An account within a Community, Professional, or Enterprise Edition Organization. For more information, see Create a Wherobots Account.
- A Wherobots API key. For more information on creating and accessing API keys see API Keys.
HTTP Request¶
Example | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
In line 4, replace YOUR-API-KEY
with a Wherobots API key.
Response codes¶
The following table details a comprehensive listing of response codes encountered during a run's execution.
Response code | Definition |
200 | Successful response |
400 | Bad Request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Not found |
422 | Validation Error |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Create Run¶
The Create Run endpoint allows you to create a new run in Wherobots, specifying the runtime, name, and optional parameters for running Python or JAR files.
Route: POST
Request body schema¶
The following parameters are associated with the Create run endpoint.
Parameter | Type | Required or Optional | Parameter description | Rules for Accepted Values |
runtime |
enum |
Optional | Wherobots runtime. | tiny ,small , medium , large , x-large , 2x-large , 4x-large , medium-himem , large-himem , x-large-himem , 2x-large-himem , 4x-large-himem , tiny-a10-gpu , small-a10-gpu , medium-a10-gpu You can see the runtimes available to your Organization in the Start a Notebook dropdown in Wherobots Cloud. |
name |
str |
Optional | The user-assigned name of the run. If not specified, a default name will be generated. | [8, 255] character matches ^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+$ |
runPython |
dict |
Optional | Used to run a Python file. | An S3 path to Python file. Wherobots Managed Storage and Storage Integration S3 paths are supported. Takes the following keys: uri:str specifying the file path to your script and args:list[str] an optional list of arguments to pass to the script. You can use either runPython or runJar , not both. |
runJar |
dict |
Optional | Used to run a JAR file. | An S3 path to Java Archive (JAR) file. Wherobots Managed Storage and Storage Integration S3 paths are supported. Takes the following keys: uri:str specifying the file path to your script and args:list[str] an optional list of arguments to pass to the script. You can use either runPython or runJar , not both. |
timeoutSeconds |
int |
Optional | The timeout of the run. Defaults to 3600 . |
If the value is greater than Max Workload Alive Hours multiplied by 3600 , the API server will change this value to the maximum value allowed. |
environment |
dict |
Optional | The model for runtime environment configs, include spark cluster configs, dependencies. Defaults to {} . See Environment keys. |
Environment keys¶
Environment parameter | Type | Required or Optional | Parameter description | Rules for Accepted Values |
sparkDriverDiskGB |
int |
Optional | The driver disk size of the Spark cluster. | |
sparkExecutorDiskGB: |
int |
Optional | The executor disk size of the Spark cluster. | |
sparkConfigs |
dict{str:str} |
Optional | The user specified spark configs. | |
dependencies |
list[dict[str, Any]] |
Optional | Indicates the 3rd party dependencies need to add to the runtime. Required if adding sparkConfigs. |
Must be an array (list) of objects (dictionaries). Each object must represent either a Python Package Index or a File Dependency. |
Run Python¶
The following code snippet details a Job Run request that runs a Python file. In practice,
replace S3-PATH-TO-FILE
with the S3 path of your Python file in Wherobots. Wherobots Managed Storage and Storage Integration S3 paths are supported.
returns an empty list, []
, if uri: "YOUR-S3-PATH"
 is used in the runPython
request without args: list[str]
"runtime": tiny,
"name": "test_run",
"runPython": {
"uri": "S3-PATH-TO-FILE"
"timeoutSeconds": 3600
Run JAR¶
The following code snippet details a Jobs run request that runs a JAR file. In practice,
replace S3-PATH-TO-FILE
with the S3 path of your JAR file in Wherobots. Wherobots Managed Storage and Storage Integration S3 paths are supported.
"runtime": tiny,
"name": "test_run",
"runJar": {
"uri": "S3-PATH-TO-FILE",
"mainClass": "main.class"
"timeoutSeconds": 3600
The following details information on the third-party dependencies that can be added to the runtime environment.
Parameter | Type | Details | Rules for Accepted Values |
sourceType |
str |
Enum for the source type dependency. |
Valid values: PYPI or FILE |
filePath |
str |
File path to dependency file. | Must be a valid file path accessible within the runtime environment. The file extension must be one of the following: .jar , .whl , or .zip . |
Python Package Index (PyPI) dependency object¶
Python Package Index dependency objects are used to represent third-party Python packages that need to be added to the runtime environment.
Parameter | Type | Details | Rules for Accepted Values |
sourceType |
str |
Source type of the dependency. | Must be set to PYPI . |
libraryName |
str |
Name of the Python library to be installed from PyPI. |
Must be a valid PyPI package name (e.g., "pandas" , "requests" ). |
libraryVersion |
str |
The specific version of the PyPI library to install. |
Must be a valid version specifier compatible with PyPI. |
File dependency object¶
The file dependency object allows you to specify a file to be added to the runtime environment.
Parameter | Parameter Type | Details | Rules for Accepted Values |
sourceType |
str |
Indicates the source type of the dependency. |
Must be set to FILE . |
filePath |
str |
The file path to the dependency file. |
Must be a valid file path accessible within the runtime environment. The file extension must be one of: .jar , .whl , or .zip . |
Dependencies example¶
"dependencies": [
"sourceType": "PYPI",
"libraryName": "pandas",
"libraryVersion": "1.5.3"
"sourceType": "FILE",
"filePath": "/path/to/my_custom_library.jar"
Request example¶
This is an example of a Jobs run request that runs a Python file.
"runtime": tiny,
"name": "string",
"runPython": {
"uri": "string",
"args": []
"timeoutSeconds": 3600,
"environment": {
"sparkConfigs": {},
"dependencies": []
This is an example of a Jobs run request that runs a JAR file.
"runtime": tiny,
"name": "string",
"runJar": {
"uri": "string",
"args": [],
"mainClass": "string"
"timeoutSeconds": 3600,
"environment": {
"sparkConfigs": {},
"dependencies": []
Successful response example¶
The following is an example of a successful response. A successful response returns the 200
status code.
"id": "string",
"createTime": "2024-09-25T02:23:34.646Z",
"updateTime": "2024-09-25T02:23:34.646Z",
"name": "string",
"status": "PENDING",
"triggeredBy": {
"id": "string",
"createTime": "2024-09-25T02:23:34.646Z",
"updateTime": "2024-09-25T02:23:34.646Z",
"email": "string",
"name": "string",
"roles": [
"id": "string",
"createTime": "2024-09-25T02:23:34.646Z",
"updateTime": "2024-09-25T02:23:34.646Z",
"name": "string",
"organizationId": "string",
"policies": [
"id": "string",
"createTime": "2024-09-25T02:23:34.646Z",
"updateTime": "2024-09-25T02:23:34.646Z",
"provider": "WHEROBOTS",
"locator": "string",
"action": "string",
"effect": "ALLOW"
"startTime": "2024-09-25T02:23:34.646Z",
"completeTime": "2024-09-25T02:23:34.646Z",
"kubeApp": {
"id": "string",
"createTime": "2024-09-25T02:23:34.646Z",
"updateTime": "2024-09-25T02:23:34.646Z",
"instanceId": "string",
"appType": "string",
"status": "PENDING",
"createdById": "string",
"apiPayload": {},
"appMeta": {},
"events": [],
"message": "string"
"payload": {
"runtime": tiny,
"name": "string",
"runPython": {
"uri": "string",
"args": []
"runJar": {
"uri": "string",
"args": [],
"mainClass": "string"
"timeoutSeconds": 3600,
"environment": {
"sparkConfigs": {},
"dependencies": []
Get Run¶
The Get Run endpoint allows you to get the details of a Wherobots Job Run.
In practice, replace <RUN_ID>
, with the ID of an existing run, which can be
found by querying List Runs.
Route: GET<RUN_ID>
Successful response example¶
"id": "string",
"createTime": "2024-09-25T18:23:01.538Z",
"updateTime": "2024-09-25T18:23:01.538Z",
"name": "string",
"status": "PENDING",
"triggeredBy": {
"id": "string",
"createTime": "2024-09-25T18:23:01.538Z",
"updateTime": "2024-09-25T18:23:01.538Z",
"email": "string",
"name": "string",
"roles": [
"id": "string",
"createTime": "2024-09-25T18:23:01.538Z",
"updateTime": "2024-09-25T18:23:01.538Z",
"name": "string",
"organizationId": "string",
"policies": [
"id": "string",
"createTime": "2024-09-25T18:23:01.538Z",
"updateTime": "2024-09-25T18:23:01.538Z",
"provider": "WHEROBOTS",
"locator": "string",
"action": "string",
"effect": "ALLOW"
"startTime": "2024-09-25T18:23:01.538Z",
"completeTime": "2024-09-25T18:23:01.538Z",
"kubeApp": {
"id": "string",
"createTime": "2024-09-25T18:23:01.538Z",
"updateTime": "2024-09-25T18:23:01.538Z",
"instanceId": "string",
"appType": "string",
"status": "PENDING",
"createdById": "string",
"apiPayload": {},
"appMeta": {},
"events": [],
"message": "string"
"payload": {
"runtime": tiny,
"name": "string",
"runPython": {
"uri": "string",
"args": []
"runJar": {
"uri": "string",
"args": [],
"mainClass": "string"
"timeoutSeconds": 3600,
"environment": {
"sparkConfigs": {},
"dependencies": []
Cancel Run¶
The Cancel Run endpoint allows you to cancel a Wherobots Job Run. In practice,
replace <RUN_ID>
, with the ID of an existing run, which can be found
by querying List Runs.
Route: POST<RUN_ID>/cancel
Successful response¶
Returns 200
when request cancels successfully.
It can take a minute before the status changes to
. Query Get Run to check a Job Run's status.
Get Run Logs¶
The Get Run Logs endpoint allows you to cancel a Wherobots Job Run. In practice,
replace <RUN_ID>
, with the ID of an existing run, which can be found
by querying List Runs.
Route: GET<RUN_ID>/logs
Request query parameters schema¶
Parameter | Type | Required or Optional | Parameter description | Rules for Accepted Values |
size |
int |
Optional | This parameter indicates the position of the last item on the previous page. | Defaults to 100 |
cursor |
int |
Optional | This parameter indicates the maximum number of items fetched for the current page. | Defaults to 0 |
Successful response example¶
"items": [
"timestamp": 0,
"raw": "string"
"current_page": 0,
"next_page": 0
List Runs¶
The List Runs endpoint allows you to see all of the Wherobots runs in your Organization.
Route: GET
Request body schema¶
Parameter and Type |
Required or Optional |
Parameter Description |
Rules for Accepted Values |
name ( str ) |
Optional | The name of the job. |
Max length: 255 Can contain any number of letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens, or periods, and can include a single asterisk. |
created_after ( str ) |
Optional | The retrieved logs will have occurred after this specified date and time. |
$YYYY-MM-DD -Hours:Minutes:Seconds UTC |
status ( array[str] ) |
Optional | Filter the runs by condition. |
region ( str ) |
Optional | Compute region where the Run was created. |
cursor ( str ) |
Optional | Indicates the position of the last item on the previous page. |
size ( int ) |
Optional | Indicates the maximum number of items fetched for the current page. |
Defaults to 50 .Maximum: 100 Minimum: 0 |
Successful response example¶
"items": [
"id": "string",
"createTime": "2024-09-25T20:47:25.280Z",
"updateTime": "2024-09-25T20:47:25.280Z",
"name": "string",
"status": "PENDING",
"triggeredBy": {
"id": "string",
"createTime": "2024-09-25T20:47:25.280Z",
"updateTime": "2024-09-25T20:47:25.280Z",
"email": "string",
"name": "string",
"roles": [
"id": "string",
"createTime": "2024-09-25T20:47:25.280Z",
"updateTime": "2024-09-25T20:47:25.280Z",
"name": "string",
"organizationId": "string",
"policies": [
"id": "string",
"createTime": "2024-09-25T20:47:25.280Z",
"updateTime": "2024-09-25T20:47:25.280Z",
"provider": "WHEROBOTS",
"locator": "string",
"action": "string",
"effect": "ALLOW"
"startTime": "2024-09-25T20:47:25.280Z",
"completeTime": "2024-09-25T20:47:25.280Z",
"kubeApp": {
"id": "string",
"createTime": "2024-09-25T20:47:25.280Z",
"updateTime": "2024-09-25T20:47:25.280Z",
"instanceId": "string",
"appType": "string",
"status": "PENDING",
"createdById": "string",
"apiPayload": {},
"appMeta": {},
"events": [],
"message": "string"
"payload": {
"runtime": tiny,
"name": "string",
"runPython": {
"uri": "string",
"args": []
"timeoutSeconds": 3600,
"environment": {
"sparkConfigs": {},
"dependencies": []
"total": 0,
"current_page": "string",
"current_page_backwards": "string",
"previous_page": "string",
"next_page": "string"